flightaware 航班跟蹤 - google play 應用程式
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免費下載,完全免費使用 全螢幕航班跟踪地圖(帶nexrad天氣) track all airline flights 航班狀態 gate/terminal information and changes 延遲 cancellations find flight connections & status 跟蹤包機、私人飛機和ga飛機 航班狀態 ifr route aircraft photos 查看附近飛過的飛機 use gps position to find your location zoom and pan around the world click on a flight for more information mobile push notifications and flight alerts estimated departure time with flight route delays/changes in departure/arrival time departure and arrival notices 機場延遲 gate/terminal information and changes 檢視您定制的“my flightaware” 檢視機場活動(抵港及離港) worldwide airport delays and airport status facebook sharing 搜索項: 航空公司名稱 和 航班編號 航路 (城市或機場對) 飛機註冊號(如:n-號)