仿電視 - 免費電視 - apps on google play
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仿電視app搜集整理youtube上電視新聞直播、熱門綜藝影片及電影連結,並提供影音搜尋功能,讓用戶能更方便觀賞youtube上的電視節目。(需有安裝google官方認證的google play service服務,才能正確播放youtube影片以及取得youtube影片播放清單) 目前提供下列功能: 1. 新聞直播 2. 熱門節目 3. 影片搜尋 4. 綜合電影 ***disclaimer*** this not an official app from the various media services, and this is only an unofficial 3rd-party client that complies with their 3rd party api terms of service. this app is not an affiliated nor related product of those services. per their api developer terms:* https://developers.google.com/youtube/branding_guidelines - "you do not need special approval to use youtube apis or to promote api functionality in your application" provided that the guidelines are followed. 本app整理搜集youtube影音平台上,由媒體業者所上傳的免費電視直播及影片的播放聯結,供各位用戶方便觀賞。本app透過協助媒體業者推廣所上傳的影片,以及幫助用戶更方便找到喜愛影片的方式來共創雙贏。本app不提供影片資源儲