secure vpn – a high speed, ultra secure vpn - apps on google play
  • AVG
  • Google
  • Mcafee
  • 趁勢科技
  • Norton
  • QQ安全管家

secure vpn is a lightning-fast app provide free vpn proxy service. not need any configuration, just simply click one button, you can access the internet securely and anonymously. when it comes to internet's safety and security, secure vpn is an essential tool. it encrypts your connection so that third parties can’t track your online activity, making it more secure than a typical proxy. we have built a global vpn network included america, europe and asia, and expand to more country soon. most servers are free to use, you can click the flag and change server as any times as you want. why choose secure vpn? ✓ large number of servers, high-speed bandwidth ✓ choose apps which using vpn (android 5.0+ required) ✓ works with wi-fi, lte/4g, 3g and all mobile data carriers ✓ strict no-logging pol